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Alt 20.02.2017, 20:41
Benutzerbild von Heinsberger LandEi
Heinsberger LandEi Heinsberger LandEi ist offline
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Apropos Deal: Was macht dieser Donald aus New York City eigentlich gerade? Vielleicht hat der Lust auf'n Deal. Alternative Wahrheiten könnten wir nämlich zurzeit gut gebrauchen.
Dann schreiben wir ihm doch mal.

Dear Mr. President,

today we will introduce you how to make the biggest deal of Your lifetime. It’s fantastic.

Do You know Alemannia Aachen? It’s Europe’s most famous Soccer Club.
Actually those fucking lying TV-Stations don’t show much of their games, because they are bastards, you know.

We are playing in the best European League, the “Regionalliga West”. Wo don’t like other countries and strange cultures, so we grounded an own League only for the Northrine-Westphalians. No chance for these Bavarian goatfuckers or east german communists to play with us.

And we have built a big wall, it’s called “Würselener Wall”. It protect’s us from the home town of the next German chancellor, Martin Schulz, he is a bad communist too.

We also built a big stadium and let other ones pay for it, isn’t it crazy?

Our head office is called “Aachener Dom”, you should watch some pictures of it, it would be a nice holiday home for You and Your family. The Aachener Dom is the residence from every president of Alemannia Aachen, first one was “Karl der Große”. He slaughtered 30.000 Saxons, because they’re poor naggers with a wrong religion, isn’t it funny? You could become his worthy follower.

Actually we are short before winning the next German Mastership, don’t trust those wrong results, published by the mainstream media.
All we need are just a few coins to convince some referees and officials from DFB and DFL of our right to win it. Never it was cheaper than now to invest in our glorious Company.

An investment from just a few millions (maybe fifty or more) would garant You neverendig profits.
Because our leading crew, called “Team 2018”, is the best of the world. Yes, it is. They multiplied our mountain of dept in only 2 years, so why don’t trust them, to multiply Your money too?

When other people don’t invest in Alemannia, it’s just because they are anxious pussies and loosers.
Are You strong enough to make this brave decision, Mr. President?

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Folgende 18 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Heinsberger LandEi für den nützlichen Beitrag:
a.tetzlaff (23.02.2017), Andreas (21.02.2017), Black-Postit (21.02.2017), Brücke 10 (21.02.2017), carlos98 (22.02.2017), chris2010 (21.02.2017), Eikinho (03.03.2017), Kimble (24.02.2017), LaPalma (21.02.2017), Metalkuchen (22.02.2017), Mick (21.02.2017), printenduevel (21.02.2017), Rolli Kucharski (22.02.2017), Rombach (22.02.2017), StadionDerTräume (21.02.2017), Steen (21.02.2017), Wissquass (21.02.2017), Wolfbiker (21.02.2017)

Alt 21.02.2017, 14:29
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make Alemannia great again!
Lha gye lo - die Götter werden siegen. (tibetisches Sprichwort)
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Alt 21.02.2017, 17:24
Benutzerbild von Gorgar
Gorgar Gorgar ist gerade online
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Alemannia First
Welch ein Verein - Was für Spieler
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Alt 21.02.2017, 19:02
Benutzerbild von Wissquass
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Dann schreiben wir ihm doch mal.

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Best posting ever !!
Da hat doch jetzt tatsächlich einer eine zusätzliche Flasche aufs Spielfeld geworfen..
(Werner Hansch)
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Alt 21.02.2017, 19:46
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Dann schreiben wir ihm doch mal.

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Für ein Heinsberger LandEi nicht schlecht.
Quelle: ???
Ich bliev dich treu, ming Alemannia - ejal wat och könt, woe och ömmer vür stönt:
Vür weäde niemols ongerjoe!
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Alt 21.02.2017, 19:55
Benutzerbild von easy
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Dann schreiben wir ihm doch mal.

Passt das in einen Tweet?
La Palma´s "abgehörte Telefonate" reloaded .
Es kommt anders, wenn man denkt ;)!
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Alt 21.02.2017, 20:16
Benutzerbild von LaPalma
LaPalma LaPalma ist offline
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Trump antwortet...

Hello Heinsberger Landei: mir wurde ein Schreiben an Dich zugespielt, von dem es sein könnte, dass es von D. T. stammt. Vielleicht sind es aber auch nur "Alternative Fakten"?

Dear Mr. Heins Berger,
thank you for your letter from far Europe, great!
Of course I know the village where you are living called Landei, it really is beautiful! Great to live there!
Also, I have a high conception of Aachen, of course; it is one of the most beautiful cities of the Netherlands, it really is great, its beautiful, is’t it?
Alemannia is great, Mrs. Conway told me (And this time she does not create alternative facts.). As I learned, it was founded in the year 1.900 by Jupp Martinelli and is playing his games in near Kopenhagen at the famous Tivoli.
In general I am a great fan of german athlets. Some of them are playing with us in the USA like Dirk Nowottny. He is great, he is big, he is tall!
By the way, you're putting me on an idea: isn’t Aachen the city where emperors were crowned? Emperor Karl in one of the last centuries and later on all his sons as well as Jürgen Napoleon?
So, some day in the near future, it may be that I will be in Aachen to continue this tradition.
I am not only the only worthy successor of these great men of history, but even the greatest of all. As the most important president of all time in the USA, I am the logical descendant of these emperors.
So, in advance, could you tell me which airport is nearby? I could imagine it is Madrid, right? Or is it Oslo? My Secretary of Defense (I forgot his name because he is new) mentioned Merzbrück, but I think this is far away, isn’t it?
On this occasion I would be happy to meet you to talk about your letter.
By now, I would like to invite you into the White House to meet the famous and greatest President the USA ever had and see him at work. But unfortunately, I just have enacted a decree that prevents entry.
So, all the best to you, you are really great!
D. T.
Gruß von der isla bonita!
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Folgende 6 Benutzer sagen Danke zu LaPalma für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Heinsberger LandEi (22.02.2017), Lenio (25.02.2017), littlefatman (21.02.2017), Rolli Kucharski (22.02.2017), Steen (22.02.2017), Wissquass (22.02.2017)
Alt 21.02.2017, 21:47
Benutzerbild von Wissquass
Wissquass Wissquass ist offline
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Dear Mr. President

die Nachrichten überschlagen sich ...
"Dear Mr country egg,
don't trust this lapalma guy, he Is a spanish conquerer of Mexico, and so probably a drug dealer as all mexicon people..
In concern of the money: i'm a little bit shy at the monent, because of the hole election campaign, you know, but i just called my best friend, the honorouble president of russia, Wladimir Chrustchow, it goes smoothly, chancellor Schröder is on his way...
And one last word: if this second famous club in Europe, Wiedenbridge, would dare to score at saturday, they will all go to prison! Believe you me, old friend egg!

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Da hat doch jetzt tatsächlich einer eine zusätzliche Flasche aufs Spielfeld geworfen..
(Werner Hansch)
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu Wissquass für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Rolli Kucharski (22.02.2017)
Alt 21.02.2017, 21:48
Benutzerbild von ATSV-Mow
ATSV-Mow ATSV-Mow ist offline
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Hätte mich über mehr Saitre während der Amtszeit des Größten Verbrecher der USA Geschichte gewünscht.

Die Stündlichen Trump News gehen einem langsam auf die Nerven
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu ATSV-Mow für den nützlichen Beitrag:
AIXtremist (22.02.2017), Grenzwolf (21.02.2017), Michi Müller (22.02.2017)
Alt 22.02.2017, 15:17
Beiträge: n/a
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Hello Heinsberger Landei: mir wurde ein Schreiben an Dich zugespielt, von dem es sein könnte, dass es von D. T. stammt. Vielleicht sind es aber auch nur "Alternative Fakten"?

Dear Mr. Heins Berger,
thank you for your letter from far Europe, great!
Of course I know the village where you are living called Landei, it really is beautiful! Great to live there!
Also, I have a high conception of Aachen, of course; it is one of the most beautiful cities of the Netherlands, it really is great, its beautiful, is’t it?
Alemannia is great, Mrs. Conway told me (And this time she does not create alternative facts.). As I learned, it was founded in the year 1.900 by Jupp Martinelli and is playing his games in near Kopenhagen at the famous Tivoli.
In general I am a great fan of german athlets. Some of them are playing with us in the USA like Dirk Nowottny. He is great, he is big, he is tall!
By the way, you're putting me on an idea: isn’t Aachen the city where emperors were crowned? Emperor Karl in one of the last centuries and later on all his sons as well as Jürgen Napoleon?
So, some day in the near future, it may be that I will be in Aachen to continue this tradition.
I am not only the only worthy successor of these great men of history, but even the greatest of all. As the most important president of all time in the USA, I am the logical descendant of these emperors.
So, in advance, could you tell me which airport is nearby? I could imagine it is Madrid, right? Or is it Oslo? My Secretary of Defense (I forgot his name because he is new) mentioned Merzbrück, but I think this is far away, isn’t it?
On this occasion I would be happy to meet you to talk about your letter.
By now, I would like to invite you into the White House to meet the famous and greatest President the USA ever had and see him at work. But unfortunately, I just have enacted a decree that prevents entry.
So, all the best to you, you are really great!
D. T.
Ob der Donaldator uns gegenueber noch so freundlich sein wird, wenn er merkt, dass ein Spieler namens Mohammad zu unserem Team gehoert?
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